Adey Magnaclean Professional 2 System Filter CP1-03-00022 - CP1-03-00022

Adey Magnaclean Professional 2 System Filter CP1-03-00022

Manufacturers Part No: CP1-03-00022

There's never been a greater need to safeguard what amounts to one of the most important and expensive appliances in the modern home - The central heating system.

Even a small build-up of iron oxide debris in a modern efficiency boiler results in substantial efficiency loss and energy wastage. Not only does the system perform inadequately, it costs more to run and maintain.

MagnaClean Professional2 is a proven, high efficiency, full-flow, a magnetic and non-magnetic filter designed to protect domestic heating systems.

Homeowner benefits:

  • Immediate ongoing system protection
  • Reduced heating bills - up to 6% a year
  • Reduced carbon emissions
  • Reduced maintenance costs
  • Extended system lifetime
  • No ongoing running costs

Having drained the system, it's possible to install MagnaClean Professional2 in two minutes saving installers considerable time trouble.

In another significant development, MagnaClean can now be fitted in-line on the return pipe. This delivers a higher level of protection for the boiler and again makes life easier for the installer with quicker fitting times. A new slip socket design enables simple in-line fitting followed by tightening of two compression joints. It's that easy.

The design of the MagnaClean Professional2 sheath and canister incorpoartes dual reverse flow zones within the filter. This maximises the capture of both magnetic and non-magnetic debris from the system. It's achieved by diverting, controlling and slowing the flow as it passes through the canister. These reduced flow areas create ideal conditions for the removal of non-magnetic debris. Crucially, this unique sheath and canister design maximises first pass capture, 'ACTIVELY' trapping any circulating dirt and providing year round protection. full flow is assured even when the filter is fully saturated with debris

£76.00 (ex VAT)
Brand Adey
Category Water Treatment Filters
Part number CP1-03-00022